Why do we need to identify our false friends?
Naturally we need to carefully observe the behaviors of those with whom we associate. It may to be easy to be able to tell what kind of a person they are because the persons may appear as our friends when is fact they could be false friends or even enemies
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Restraint from Drinking Intoxicants (5)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Sixth Group of Blessings. Blessing Twenty :- Restraint from Drinking Intoxicants.
Make Resolutions “To Sell All The Houses”
I must confess to Luang Phaw that in the past, I disliked the temple and do not understand about the temple. But after I came to the temple, my life has become better and better and that’s very astonishing.
How to teach Dhamma to judges and civil workers?
I was assigned by the Civil Court Chief Official to teach Dhamma to judges and civil workers once a month starting in January. 2005 (B.E. 2548), and that troubled me because judges usually live in their own world. Everyone would like to dig deep into their thoughts and psyche. I would like to ask for Luang Phaw for suggestions how to teach Dhamma to this group of people.
Do good Deeds Always Bring Favorable Outcomes?
Whenever someone is facing a situation which he considers unfair, he will start to think,
Dhammachai Dhutanga 2012
Why do we arrange this dhutanga? Who will get the benefit from it? Who participate to arrange it?
Dhammachai Institute Arranged the Ceremony of Paying Respect to Teachers 2013
My friend told me that regular people like him/her who work, maintaining the precepts is enough no need to meditate. How can I explain to him/her?
I once invited a friend to meditate. My friend told me that regular people like him/her who work, maintaining the precepts is enough. It is not necessary to meditate also. How can I explain Luang Phaw’s teachings to him/her?
A Wife Should Cherish Her Husband
A wife should keep in mind that a husband wants support. Similar to her own needs for support, a wife needs to do these things because of the same reasons in the previous chapter.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Generosity (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Fifteen :- Generosity.